AFORO - Shape Analysis of Fish Otoliths





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Sagitta Otolith Database

The database is regularly updated and at present (02/08/2025) it contains a total of 9170 high resolution images corresponding to 2807 species and 288 families of CBR collections of the Institut de Ciències del Mar-CSIC from whorldwide, espacillay in Medtirranean, Canary Islands, Antarctic and Namibian waters. Also, AFORO show images from: Rivaton & Bourret 1999, Les otolithes des poisson de l'Indo-Pacifique; Leopold, van Damme, Philippart & Winter 2001, Interactive guide of identification of fish from the SE North Sea, Wadden Sea and adjacent fresh waters by means of otoliths and other hard parts; Campana 2004, Photographic atlas of fish otoliths of the Northwest Atlantic Ocean; Tuset, Lombarte & Assis 2008, Otolith atlas of the western Mediterranean, north and central eastern Atlantic; Baremore & Bethea 2010, A guide to otoliths from fishes of the Gulf of Mexico; Lin & Chang 2012, Otolith Atlas of Taiwan Fishes; Sadighzadeh, Tuset, Dadpour, Otero-Ferrer, Lombarte 2012, Otolith atlas from the Persian Gulf and the Oman Sea Fishes; Volpedo, Thompson & Avigliano 2017, Atlas de otolitos de peces de Argentina.

  Common Name:  
  Scientific Name:  Family:   