AFORO - Shape Analysis of Fish Otoliths





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Otolith Wavelet representation

The data provided by the system are the Wavelet representation of the otolith outline in polar coordinates. Wavelet transform representation allows to quantify the irregularities of the contour and determine its precise position. These properties make these techniques suitable for pattern recognition purposes as species recognition (Parisi-Baradad et al 2010). These routines were developed in MATLAB® language. Warning: your otolith photography must be like this:    [More]

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Cite AFORO Automatic Taxon Identification as:
Parisi-Baradad V., A. Manjabacas, A. Lombarte, R. Olivella, Ò. Chic, J. Piera, E. García-Ladona. 2010. Automatic Taxon Identification of Teleost fishes in an otolith online database. Fisheries Research. 105: 13-20.
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